Sunday, December 2, 2012


The map is based on the continent of Tyria 250 years after Guildwars 1. They cut out the Canthan and Elonian territories.

Different Races and Professions

  • Norn
  • Sylvari
  • Human
  • Charr
  • Asura

  • Ranger
  • Warrior
  • Mesmer
  • Necromancer
  • Engineer
  • Guardian
  • Elementalist
  • Thief

The race you choose will affect a lot of your game play. First of all it will determine where you will start the game at. Secondly, it is going to affect your entire main mission play-through. 

The profession you choose will affect what your character is capable of doing. Rangers use mainly bows, elementalists use mainly staves and scepters, ect. Profession also affects what each character is able to equip (weapons and armor). Profession chooses the variety of skills you can possess as well.

Leveling (in-depth)

The leveling cap is level 80, instead of the previous level 20 cap. The cap has really helped to prolong the experience of the game. In Guildwars 1 it would take 1-2 days in order to get your character to level 20, which made the game seem quick, short, and easy. Arena Net was able to change that by increasing the cap, which with my own personal experience has allowed me to get a lot more enjoyment out the game.

There is one downfall to the new level cap. During the game each mission requires you to grow levels at a quick rate. So if you are someone who really enjoys just doing the missions, this may pose a problem for you. In order to keep up with the level progression most people will have to go out and uncover the map doing "side-missions", which can get particularly boring after a short while.

Differences from Guildwars 1

  • Character interaction
  • Graphics lowered in order to support such a large expansion
  • The ability to "jump", which allows players to really explore and interact with the map
  • Many different races to choose from
  • Cap level increased to 80 from 20
  • Home servers (different worlds)
  • Player-versus-player restructured into just 2 different games (6 vs 6, and World vs. World)
  • Upon dying in the game, your character will go into a downed state which allows you to fight in order to try to get back up

Guildwars 1

Guildwars 2